Intelligent design. Well crafted.
Branding and Identity
Presenting the new logo for the Our Water Our World program of the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), a much-meeded update to the original logo we created over 15 years ago. The new logo was designed to emphasize the global impact of keeping pollutants out of our water system and to highlight the program's focus on promoting less toxic products for use in the garden. Next, we'll be updating the program's popular fact sheets, pocket guides, and promotional signage.
California Breathing, a program of the California Department of Public HealthÂ’'s Environmental Health Investigations Branch dedicated to improving the lives of people with asthma in California.
Identity symbol for the Branch Improvement Program, a $26,000,000 bond measure. We customized the symbol with photos of architectural features that we shot in the final days of construction as each of Berkeley’s four branch libraries neared completion.
Logo for the CYGNET (Comprehensive study of Young Girls’ Nutrition, Environment, and Transitions) research project. This joint project between the California Department of Public Health, the Bay Area Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Center, and Kaiser Division of Research, tracks the health of girls from childhood through adulthood.
Identity symbol for California Breathing’s Healthy Housing Conference. The visual was developed to create a positive, hopeful image that encompassed the range of housing addressed at the conference, which focused on asthma in the built environment.
Identity package developed for Emergent Legal, which provides strategic advice, internal investigations, pre-litigation counseling, alternative dispute resolution, and representation in federal and state court litigation to Bay Area businesses and entrepreneurs.
Identity symbol and logo developed for California Convergence. This joint program of the Public Health Institute’s Partnership for the Public’s Health, Kaiser, and the California Endowment, works to improve access to healthy food and physical activity throughout California.
Identity package for the Philtax accounting firm.
Identity symbol for the Berkeley Public Library, developed to alert patrons to Central Library’s temporary move during renovations. The image appeared on street banners, sidewalk stencils, posters, T-shirts, postcards, table tents, and bookplates, and was printed in edible inks onto chocolates for the reopening celebration.
Logo for the Children’s Environmental Health Network, a national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the developing child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthier environment.
Logo for ActFast, a Kaiser Division of Research study looking at the effectiveness of oral prednisone in improving function and decreasing pain in people with sciatica.
Identity package developed for the five partners in the Berkeley Consulting Group, a management consulting firm.
Logo for California CADDRE, an autism research program within the California Department of Public Health. The logo has been adopted and adapted by the five regional centers around the country.